quarta-feira, 31 de outubro de 2012

on standby

The day before yesterday my laptop decided not to work and take some vacations! Since I pre-organize my posts with some advance and I have everything on my laptop I'll have to update the blog when I have some time (on my old huge computer).

Anyway, I'm in a period of preparing documents for my master thesis dissertation and I'm really focusing on that right now! Is anyone out there on the same situation? ;)



segunda-feira, 29 de outubro de 2012


Ideias com giz!!

via pinterest

So original!!

Wish you all an amazing week
my dear readers!! :)

domingo, 28 de outubro de 2012

007 - Skyfall

Source: IMDb

Ontem fui ver o 007 - Skyfall e gostei imenso! Achei o filme mais realista que os anteriores, com ficção q.b., com uma história muito boa e uma interpretação fantástica dos actores - com destaque para Javier Bardem que esteve brilhante! Recomenda-se!!
E vocês.. Já viram?? Gostaram?

Yesterday I watched 007 - Skyfall and I really enjoyed it! Have you watched it? Did you like it?

sábado, 27 de outubro de 2012

quinta-feira, 25 de outubro de 2012

Good idea!

I think I'm going to start creating new posts with some good ideas I sometimes find on the internet and I think are worth sharing. Here it is one for those who have children!

via pinterest

Good morning!!

 via tumblr

Today my day will be between meetings for my master thesis.. so many ideas and no idea how to put them on paper! lol

Wish you all an amazing day
my dear readers!! :)

terça-feira, 23 de outubro de 2012

Wallpaper around a fireplace

source: pinterest

The other day I posted about wallpaper in a bathroom and today I'm wondering what do you think about wallpaper around a fireplace? I must say I love it, I'm just not sure if it is o.k. because of the smoke, but with a closed fireplace it looks amazing!!

sexta-feira, 19 de outubro de 2012



via pinterest

Como com um simples papel de base de bolos se podem fazer coisas tão simples e giras!!

quinta-feira, 18 de outubro de 2012

Let the cold season begin!

During the day it's still ok, but nights are getting colder and colder. I must confess I was already missing my fur coat ;) 

mine is very similar to this one, it's so comfy and warm :)

source: check pic name

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